1577  ADAMS, Frank  

One of the most curious of pocket books published towards the end of the 16th century were the Writing tables with a kalender for xxiiii. yeeres, with sundry necessarye rules originally produced by Frank Adams (fl. 1559-1601). According to one source[1] Adams was the earliest publisher of writing-tables, of which he produced several editions between 1577 and 1594. After Adams more were produced by Robert Triplet and James Hammond. Many Of the other editions of the writing-tables still extant, many are fragmentary or incomplete (and only known through unique copies).



After several pages of useful information such as the calendar itself and the phases of the moon, there might be other information such as prayers for the household, tables of calculation for merchants, a list of the annual terms (i.e. the church year), weights and measures, a table of distances from place to place, illustrations of legal currency etc., and this would be followed or interspersed by blank pages: the writing tables themselves. These survive in a number of copies and consist of a number of reusable blank leaves. Although it is not known what these leaves were made of, Adams' 1581 tables claim that the tables are made of asses' skin there are instructions how to clean them with a wet sponge.

The road book section includes seventeen roads with (vi) Saint Burien to Exeter and London.

Wryting tables, with a necessarie calender fayres in Englande, the festiuall holydayes, the hie wayes from one towne to another ... Made at London : By (H. Singleton for) Franke Adams Bookebynder, dwelling in the Greene-Arbour without Newgate, (1577). (B).



Further copies reported[2]:

These writing tables are made at London : By Franke Adams, bookebinder, dwelling at the black Rauen, in Thames streete, neere London bridge, and are there to be solde, (1579).  (B).

Writing tables with a Kalender for xxiiii yeres, with other necessary rules... Made at London, by Frank Adams, Stationer & Bookbinder, dwelling in Thames streete, at the signe of ye black Rauen, nere London. Bridge ... 1581. (Harvard).

Made at London : by Franke Adams, stationer and bookebinder, dwelling in Thames streete, at the signe of ye black Ranen (sic), nere Londo(n) Bridge, & are there to be sold: or else on the Ryal (sic) Exchange, at the signe of the halfe Rose, and halfe Sun next to the north doore, by Thomas Frethren 1581. (BL).

Made at London : By Franke Adams, stationer and bookbinder dwelling in Thames Streete, at the signe of the Black Raue(n) neere London Bridge, and are there to be solde, anno. Domi, 1583 (i.e. 1582). (Columbia Uni).

Made at London : By (R. Watkins and J. Roberts for) franke Adams, stationer and bookbinder, dwelling in Thames streete, at the signe of the black raue(n), and are there to be solde, anno. Domi. 1584. (FSL).

Wryting tables … with all the principall fayres in Englande, with the beginning and the ending of the termes, with the festiuall holydayes for all the yeare: and the hie wayes from one notable towne in Englande to another: with a rule to knowe the change, full, and quarters of the moone for euer, with certaine prayers. Made at London: By (R. Watkins and J. Roberts for) Frauncis Adams, stationer or bookbinder, dwelling in Distaffe lane, neare olde fishstreete, at the signe of the Aqua vite still, and are there to be sold, Anno. Domi. 1594. (C).

At London : Printed by Iames Roberts, for Edward White, and are to be sold at the little North dore of Paules, at the signe of the Gunne, 1598. (Folger, Illinois).

At London : Printed by Iames Roberts, for Edward White, and are to be sold at the little North dore of Paules, at the signe of the Gunne, 1601. (Illinois).

The tables made by Robert Triplet. London : Imprinted for the Companie of Stationers. 1604. (FSL).

Made at London, by Frank Adams, Stationer & Bookbinder, dwelling in Thames streete, at the signe of ye black Rauen, nere London. Bridge 1611 (Yale).

The tables made by J. Hammond. Published For the Company of Stationers, after 1625. (FSL).

Illustration Courtesy of Harvard University.[3]

         Illustration Courtesy of Folger Shakespeare Library.[4]

 RETURN to Book II Introduction - Almanacks and Itineraries


[1] Bonhams auction sales catalogue June 2009.
[2] List of known copies compiled from information given on Folger Shakespeare Library website / Yale University library catalogue.
[3] https://iiif.lib.harvard.edu/manifests/view/drs:44392455$7i.
[4] https://digitalcollections.folger.edu/bib169883-165388.
