1588  GRAY, Walter 

Walter Gray´s Almanacke, like many circulating at the time, was packed with information felt to be important for the times. Many of these began with a section on health in a very broad sense, centred on the astrological views of illness. Hence, Pisces was a time of Sanguinity, Cancer and Pisces of Choleric, Melancholy occurred especially in Libra, Aquarius and Pisces, while Phlegmy in Sagittarius or Aries. The best times to have a bath were Cancer, Scorpion and Pisces in 1591. This was often followed by an illustration of man´s anatomy. A full calendar followed and the important dates for the church and legal year.

The work was usually in two parts; part 2 having a separate title page: A prognostication gathered for the yeere of our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ. (M.D.LXXXVIII). In Gray´s 1591 issue this contained texts on the moon´s eclipse, predictions for the four seasons and a further calendar of the weather to be expected each month. The principall Fayres of England and Wales followed, beginning (1591) with a market at Salisbury on the Twelfe day.

In 1588 (i.e. for 1589), Gray included a list of roads and distances between towns and cities: A perfect direction of the best & rediest hygh wayes, from any notable Towne in England, to the Citie of London, & from the citie of London to any notable Towne; & Lykewyse from one notable Towne to another.

The roads are those found in Richard Grafton's Little Treatise of 1571, but in a different order. 


An Almanacke & Prognostication, made for the yeere of our Lorde. M.D.LXXXIX. And first after the leape yeere. Rectified for the altitude & Meridian of Dorchester, serving most aptly for the West Parts, & Generally for all Englande. By Walter Gray, Gentleman.

London: Richard Watkins & James Robertes: 1588 (B), 1589 (B), 1591[1] (FSL),1595 (LPL).[2]

London: By Ed. Allde for the Company of Stationers, 1604 (B), 1605. (LPL).




1588 at B and 1591 at Folger Shakespeare Library   

1588 at Bodleian Library[3]


 RETURN to Book II Introduction - Almanacks and Itineraries

[1] FSL copy is online at. https://archive.org/details/bim_early-english-books-1475-1640_an-almanacke-and-prognos_walter-gray_1591. However, this does not include the list of roads.

[2] Louise Hill Curth lists 1588-89, 1591, 1593, 1604 and 1605.

[3] Available online at https://archive.org/details/bim_early-english-books-1475-1640_an-almanacke-and-prognos_gray-w_1588/mode/2up
